Weeefiner was awarded a development grant to develop international business and advance productization. The project will be implemented during the years 2021–2022.
The aim of the project is to enable Weeefiner’s growth and make an effective transition to international markets. During 2021, Weeefiner has successfully launched 4D Scavenger -technology and the company has significantly expanded its operations in Finland. The goal now is to open the way to international markets.
“Water treatment, recycling and the circular economy, as well as the utilization of secondary raw materials, are a fast growing market. Today’s high standards of environmental responsibility do not only affect Finland, but there is a need for new innovative solutions at a global level”, Weeefiner’s Chief Operating Officer, Mikko Hänninen explains.
Saara Tuhkanen, Weeefiner’s new development manager, is responsible for the internationalization project. During the project, she will, among other things, conduct a market study of the target countries and examine whether multinational companies operating in Finland would like to participate in international co-operation.
“In the project, I will be able to utilize my knowledge and experience in developing the international circular economy business and deepen my understanding of customer needs.”
Productization for a better customer experience
In addition to internationalization, the project aims to streamline the business to better meet customer needs.
The goal is to commercialize the technology into an appealing, modern and modular circular economy solution. This will require the precise definition and documentation of customer acquisition processes and the development of communications.
“We believe that the commercialization of technology for the researched needs will be reflected in a better customer experience and in the form of new product and market segments”, says Mikko Hänninen.
About Weeefiner
Weeefiner offers solutions for metal recovery, water treatment and streamlining of industrial processes. Our goal is to turn dissolved metals from waste, process and side streams into a sustainable and profitable business.
In line with the EU’s ELY funding initiative. For more information on the project and funding, visit the Structural Funds website or contact us at info@weeefiner.fi